Welcome to the E-learning page of the PEGASUS study.
Before you can start including in the study, one the local researchers needs to pass the E-learning exam. All staff is however more than welcome to do the E-learning.
Tip! Opening the e-learning and test in YouTube allows for easy switching between different chapters.
E-learning Test
Examination of lung ultrasound
Examination of lung ultrasound consists of two parts. A test after the e-learning and a case-based exam
Test E-learning
Please return the answers to the test to j.s.sinnige@amsterdamumc.nl.
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Question 6:
Question 7:
Question 8:
Question 9:
Question 10:
Case-based exam
After passing the test we would like to receive the ultrasound video clips (+/- 5 seconds) of a 12-regions lung ultrasound exam together with the morphology classification from a test subject. Preferably from a subject who had different types of aeration scores. However, this is not necessary.
- The video's can be uploaded by using a link that will be send to you after completing the E-learning.
- Please write down the region of the lung (L1, R1 etc.) and the score (A, B1, B2, C) in the ultrasound clip or in the title of the file.
- Also send us the morphology classification (focal or non-focal) of the LUS exam.
ATTENTION! Please make sure there is NO information of the test subject (e.g. name or date of birth) on the ultrasound clips.
Good luck with the E-learning! Please contact us in case of any questions.