Dr. Lieuwe D.J. Bos
Dr. Lieuwe D.J. Bos (Alkmaar, 1988) is principle investigator at the Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. He is also a pulmonologist-intensivist in training. He works in the Amsterdam UMC in the departments of respiratory medicine and intensive care medicine and co-chairs the laboratory of experimental intensive care and anaesthesiology (LEICA). Dr. Bos graduated cum laude as a medical doctor in this same hospital. He defended his PhD dissertation at the university of Amsterdam with honour. He received grants from the Dutch lung foundation, the European Respiratory Society, ZonMW and the European Union. In the past years he received the Amsterdam UMC fellowship, a ZonMW VIDI grant, and the ERS Gold medal in ARDS in 2022. His research group focuses on precision medicine approaches for patients with acute respiratory failure. He has published over 250 PubMed indexed articles with an H-index of 47. Dr. Bos is the principle investigator of the PEGASUS study.