
Prof. dr. Marcus J. Schultz

Prof. dr. Schultz (1965) began his professional career when he joined the Department of Intensive Care in 2000 after completing a fellowship in Critical Care at the Amsterdam UMC (location AMC). Widely known and admired for his scientific productivity, he is one of the most highly cited Critical Care researchers in the world. He is a founding member of the PROtective VENTilation Network, a group of international experts who performed several highly cited international multicenter randomized clinical trials of invasive ventilation, in surgery patients in the operating room, and in critically ill patients in the intensive care unit, and a founding member of CRIT CARE ASIA, a group of international experts who perform implementation projects in intensive care units in resource-limited settings. As a faculty member in the Department of Intensive Care at the Amsterdam UMC (location AMC), he has been widely sponsored by the ‘Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development’ (ZonMw) since 2005. In 2006 he established the Laboratory of Experimental Intensive Care and Anesthesiology (LEICA). Dr. Schultz holds the Endowed Chair in Experimental Intensive Care at the University of Amsterdam since 2008. He oversaw enormous growth in research activity and optimized the operations of the research team in recent years.