
Prof. Dr. Martin Kneyber

Prof. Dr. Martin Kneyber (1972) is Chief of the Division of Paediatric Critical Care Medicine at the Beatrix Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands. Dr. Kneyber obtained his medical degree in 1998 (cum laude) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and completed his specialist training in Paediatrics in 2003 at the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, Utrecht. Since 2005 he is board certified in paediatric critical care. Prof. Dr. Kneyber completed a PhD thesis in 2000 at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is a fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine. 

Prof. Dr. Kneyber serves as Medical President of the European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) and is a member of the editorial board of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. His main academic interest relates to paediatric mechanical ventilation. He is the PI for the PAN (Paediatric Ards Neuromuscular blockade) study funded by ZonMW and MPI for PROSpect (Prone and Oscillation pediatric clinical trial) funded by the NIH/NHLBI. Dr. Kneyber has published more than 200 scientific papers and contributed to numerous book chapters. He frequently gives invited lectures and workshops at international critical care conferences.

Prof. Dr. Kneyber is an active member of the PREVENT subgroup; his site participates in PALISI research projects such as BACON and LongVentKids.

Martin Kneyber is involved in the following studies: PRoVENT-PED