Prof. Dr. Pieter Roel Tuinman
Prof. Dr. Pieter R. Tuinman is an EDIC-certified intensivist who works at the Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc. He is head of the intensive care training program and member of the EDIC committee. Dr. Tuinman received his PhD in 2013. His main research focus is on mechanical ventilation and point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS). He is cofounder of the ALIFE research group and alifeofpocus.com website, a free educational website on POCUS. He received grants from ZonMW. Dr. Tuinman is co-author of over 130 PUBMED indexed manuscripts. In addition, he is faculty of international (e.g. ERS, ESICM) and national POCUS courses (NVIC). In 2024 he was promoted to professor of intensive care.